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Leno vs. Conan

January 19, 2010

It’s almost like a soap opera. Last week, rumors spread that NBC is booting late-night host Conan O’Brien to 12:05 pm; and giving his 11:35 pm time-slot back to Jay Leno. These rumors have been confirmed. Of course, O’Brien and Leno were both outraged at NBC and their outlandish proposal. Both O’Brien’s and Leno’s shows were rating poorly; and even though NBC predicted poor ratings to begin with, NBC decided to make an abrupt schedule shift. Drama, drama …

Now O’Brien, pissed-off beyond all reason, has reportedly decided to quit NBC and vie for a slot on another network.

Will NBC be okay as their late-show empire crumbles? The better question is who cares? Leno and O’Brien deserve to be treated better. And NBC deserves a swift kick to the downstairs mix-up.

Visit The Week for more information on the debacle.

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